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OpenAI Unveils 5-Tier Roadmap to AGI: From Chatbots to Superhuman Organizations

OpenAI has developed a new classification system to measure its advancement towards creating artificial general intelligence (AGI) – AI capable of surpassing human abilities. The company introduced a five-tier framework to its employees, with plans to share it with investors and the public in the future.

According to the system, OpenAI currently places itself at Level 1, which represents AI that can engage in conversational interactions. The company believes it’s nearing Level 2, termed “Reasoners,” where AI can solve problems comparable to a human with doctorate-level education.

The subsequent levels are:

  • Level 3 (“Agents”): AI systems that can work on behalf of users for extended periods
  • Level 4: AI capable of developing innovations
  • Level 5 (“Organizations”): AI systems that can perform the functions of entire organizations

This classification system is considered flexible and may evolve based on feedback. OpenAI executives have previously predicted AGI could be achieved within the next decade, while other tech leaders have suggested even shorter timelines.

The introduction of this framework represents OpenAI’s effort to provide transparency in its progress towards more advanced AI systems and to address safety concerns surrounding the future of artificial intelligence.

What is AGI?

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is a type of computer intelligence that can understand, learn, and perform any task that a human being can. It’s like having a super-smart computer that can think and learn just like a person.

How is AGI Different from AI?

  1. AI (Artificial Intelligence): Current AI is designed to do specific tasks. For example, there are AIs that can play chess, recognize faces, or recommend movies. Each AI is good at one thing but can’t do other tasks outside its specific area.
  2. AGI (Artificial General Intelligence): AGI would be able to do anything that a human can do. It wouldn’t be limited to one task. It could play chess, recognize faces, recommend movies, help with homework, and even learn new things on its own. It’s like having a computer that can think and learn as broadly and deeply as a human.

In short, while regular AI is like a very smart specialist, AGI would be like a super-smart person who can handle a wide variety of tasks and learn new ones.